Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Slett u-landsgjelda

No Al Pago de la Deuda Externa
Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo March for Debt Relief in 2005.

Debt Auditing in Argentina

"According to the Argentine organization Dialogos 2000, three committees in the Congress of Argentina submitted a proposal to set up a commission to examine Argentina's debt. This initiative is a response to claims that have been made by the Argentine agencies for several years: They want to know how much debt Argentina owes to whom and why, how much has been paid back, what were the consequences, and who is responsible. The result of such investigation will be the key to any attempt to change policy and provide compensation for the consequences."

Gjeldsrevisjon i Argentina

"I følge den argentinske organisasjonen Dialogo 2000 har tre komiteer i Kongressen i Argentina fremmet et forslag om å sette ned en kommisjon for å granske Argentinas gjeld. Dette initiativet er en reaksjon på krav som har blitt fremmet av argentinske organisasjoner i flere år: De vil vite hvor mye gjeld Argentina skylder, til hvem og hvorfor, hvor mye har blitt tilbakebetalt, hva har vært konsekvensene, og hvem er ansvarlig. Resultatet av en slik gransking vil være nøkkelen til ethvert forsøk på å endre politikk og gi erstatning for konsekvensene."

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It is not about charity. It's about justice.
SLUG - The Norwegian Coalition for Debt Cancellation
SLUG is an umbrella organisation with more than 50 affiliated civil society organisations and political youth parties, some more actively engaged than others. SLUG was established in 1994. Read More in English... Leer mas en Español...

Also on Latin Amerikagruppene i Norge
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